100 Scope Notes
November 15, 2016 by Colby Sharp
Colby: I’m excited to share our last episode of Season 2. I have really enjoyed following debut author Kate Beasley’s road to publication. It is pretty wild to think that we first starting working on this season over a year ago. In today’s episode Kate talks about Gertie’s Leap to Greatness. I loved listening to […]
October 30, 2016 by Travis Jonker
Travis: The second season of The Yarn is all about the middle grade novel Gertie’s Leap to Greatness. Today, in episode 3 we head down to the Beasley farm in Georgia and hear from Kate Beasley’s mom and sister, Circus Mirandus author Cassie Beasley. https://soundcloud.com/colby-sharp-3/32-kate-cassie-beasley-s2-e3 If you missed the first two episodes of this season, […]
October 2, 2016 by Travis Jonker
Travis: Our initial idea for The Yarn: One Book, All Angles. In Season 1, we focused on the graphic novel Sunny Side Up: Season 2 of The Yarn kicks off today. This time around, we’re following Gertie’s Leap to Greatness by debut author Kate Beasley. In this episode you’ll hear from Kate, but also […]
August 22, 2016 by Travis Jonker
Travis: When Colby and I began The Yarn, we wanted a show that was a mix of Netflix (release a bunch of episodes at once, or close), Serial (have a bunch of episodes focused on one topic), and Beyoncé (release them unannounced). Season 1 was all of these things. Since then, the show has evolved […]
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